Welcome to the official homepage of the Massachusetts metalcore band, Strength of Silence. |
8.25.2003 Ya, we got another show at Club Marque in Worcester, MA this Saturday, August 30th. More info in the shows section. On a side note, if there is a large advertisement on the bottom of the news section i apologize. Tripod once again reminds me what happens when you choose not to pay for a website. 7.7.2003 Unfortunately the July 12th basement show has been canceled. There is going to be a make up show soon. More info TBA as soon as we hear more. 6.27.2003 The July 5th show at Club Marque has been moved to July 19th. 6.25.2003 We got a more local show now on July 5th at Club Marque in Worcester. More info in shows section. 6.18.2003 So ya we got a show in the works. Gonna be a basement show on July 12th in Pawtucket,RI. More info tba soon. 5.08.2003 The unmastered version of Freedom Died Last Winter is now available at mp3.com by going to http://www.mp3.com/Strength_of_Silence. At the moment, like with garageband.com, you're not able to download the track. We're getting the money together for copyrighting and will have downloads available soon. 5.01.2003 We've got a song from our upcoming 4 song EP posted on Garageband. You can check out Freedom Died Last Winter @ here. We chose not to allow downloads until the copyrights go through...sorry. The same song will also be posted on mp3.com soon. Well that's it for now...peece. 4.27.2003 Ya, sorry the site is brutally simple, but this is all we'll have until we get a .com site up and running. I added a guestbook today, enjoy. 4.26.2003 Yesterday we spent 8 hours at C2 Recording Studios to record a four song demo. It is absolutely amazing. We couldn't be happier with the results. Matt Cole at C2 is an incredibly talented man. We are planning to master the cd eventually but right now you can pick up a copy for $5 by contacting any member. |